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A modern fuel stabilizer, Phaser 3000 is recommended for use in gasoline or diesel* engines to increase performance, reduce downtime, clean, neutralize the harmful effects of engine acids, remove carbon, gum, sludge, and varnish from valves, cylinders, pistons, fuel injectors and carburetors.


When ethanol blended gasoline reaches its saturation point because of contamination with H2 O, multiple layers are formed. The top layer is gasoline with a lower octane rating, and the bottom is a mixture of water and ethanol that will not ignite during engine combustion. If ethanol blended gasoline reaches this state, a phenomenon known as “Phase Separation”, the engine can be detrimentally affected. This is where Phaser 3000 is necessary because it can actually return these separated layers back to one clear, homogeneous mixture. In this process, Phaser 3000 absorbs H2 O molecules in the phase separated gasoline by breaking the ethanol-water “H” bond and encapsulating the H2 O molecules, thus returning the separated layers back into one mixture. The H2 O molecules that are absorbed in Phaser 3000 are then eliminated during the normal combustion process of an engine.



Phaser 3000 is a unique combination of specially blended, proprietary components including:

Reverse Phase Additives

Water Absorption Additives

Rust Inhibitors n Dispersant Additives

Oxidation Inhibitors

Cleaning Additives

Corrosion Inhibitors

Acid Prevention Agents



Absorbs H2 O

Prevents & Reverses Phase Separation

Prevents Rust & Corrosion

Fights Ethanol Problems

Optimizes Marine Engine Performance

Provides Seasonal Storage Stability

Improves Combustion

Reduces Fuel Waste and Emissions

Prevents Harmful Engine Acids

Increases RPMs

Reduces Sticking Valves

Cleans Fuel Injectors and Carburetors

Eliminates Carbon, Varnish and Sludge



Phaser 3000 is recommended for use in gasoline of all grades particularly ethanol blended gasoline to prevent the corrosive effects of engine acids created during combustion – including internal combustion engines that are located in salt water and fresh water environments. It also is recommended to absorb moisture, prevent icing and stalling, remove carbon, gum, sludge and varnish deposits, improve combustion, clean injectors and carburetors, free sluggish valves, improve performance and reduce downtime and maintenance costs.


Phaser 3000 is NOT RECOMMENDED for use as a lubricant or lubricant additive nor as a component of any flushing solution.




Phaser 3000 is recommended to provide sufficient water removal and keep-clean performance at a maintenance treat rate of 1:500 in humid or wet environments. It may also be used at a treat rate up to 1:1000.


Phase Reversal

If phase separation has occurred, the fuel is non-compliant and unusable. It may take one gallon of Phaser 3000 for every 30-100 gallons of gasoline to achieve Phase Reversal.  A 1:30  separation reversal dosage is for 10% ethanol containing gasoline that has been contaminated with ½% water. Different variables – those being temperature and barometric pressure – can change the dosage needed to return a phase separated gasoline back to a homogeneous state. The amount of water and ethanol present will also affect the amount of Phaser 3000 needed to phase reverse the separated gasoline. If the percentage of ethanol in the gasoline is unknown, begin by treating the gasoline at 1:100. Continue adding Phaser 3000 if necessary while re-circulating the mixture until the phase separated gasoline reverts back to a homogeneous state. Dosages greater than 1:500 may only be used in off-road gasoline. Refer to the Phase Reversal Treatment Technical Bulletin for instructions onhowtomakewaterladenfuelwiththephasereversaldosagecompliantwithon-roadusespecifications. Phaser 3000 will not rid the fuel of other contaminants that may have been introduced along with the excess water: i.e., sludge, microorganisms, foreign matter, etc. 

Phaser 3000 Ethanol Gasoline Fuel Stabilizer

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